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    20 years since the foundation

    Elena ŢÎBÎRNĂ
    2019 -present

    "In all these 20 years, a lot of work has been done to transform and modernize the National Office of Social Insurance, so that taxpayers and beneficiaries of social insurance benefits can gain confidence in the public social insurance system. In time, the NOSI became the main institution for the implementation of national programs in the field of social protection of Moldovan citizens, including those displaced abroad. The results obtained are proof of the importance of the NOSI and the responsibility of the specialists within the institution with whom the tasks put before the institution were approached, as well as the initiatives of modernization, diversification of the working processes and tools used, in order to increase the degree of trust and satisfaction of our clients".

    Valentina BULIGA

    "I wanted then, when I decided to get involved in politics, that social protection must be one of the priorities of the political class. The social protection of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova must be achieved not through promises, but through actions, through well-thought- out laws and through reforms that will ultimately have an impact on the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. The social field must be based on very clear principles, on principles of social solidarity, of personal contribution. And when we talk about social protection, we take care of the citizens who did not have opportunities to be employed, to receive salaries and to end up receiving decent pensions".

    Laura GRECU 

    "In its activity, the National Office of Social Insurance aims to achieve the objectives set in order to increase the quality of services provided throughout the country, the beneficiaries of social benefits to be treated equally by streamlining daily activities and the effectiveness of processes through continuous improvement of the public social insurance system and ensuring the functioning of a sustainable social insurance service".

    Maria BORTA 

    "The National Office of Social Insurance is the institution, which establishes and pays practically all the existing social benefits, from the birth until the death of the citizen. All the achievements of the NOSI were made possible through qualified personnel. During these years, a team of professionals have been created, working in the field of social protection with self- dedication and with a special attention to the needs of the citizens. The team of professionals provide the population with high quality services and ensure a high level of trust towards the public social insurance system. Today it can be said about the NOSI that it is a strong institution, able to realize the state policy in the field of social protection".

    Tamara ŞUMSCAIA 

    "Established on 16.02.2001, by Government Decision nr. 128, the National Office of Social Insurance started its operation with the mission of ensuring the functioning of a sustainable social insurance service, which guarantees the social protection of the participants in the public social insurance system. Few of us realized at that time the importance of creating this institution."


    2001: Foundation of the National Office of Social Insurance

    2002: Creation of the State Register of Individual Records

    2003: Implementation of the State Register of Individual Records

    On February 16, 2001, by Government’s Decision, the National Office of Social Insurance was created, based on the staff and functions of the Social Fund, the Department for Pensions and Social Assistance, the Center for Calculating Pensions and Allowances within the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

    As a central executive authority in the field of social insurance, NOSI was responsible for achieving a series of objectives meant to ensure an efficient record of contributions, increasing the level of trust of taxpayers in the public social insurance system, efficient administration of the state social insurance budget, establishment and payment of social benefits in time.

    One of the most main activities of the National Office of Social Insurance for the 2002 year was the implementation of individual records, as well as the creation of the state register of individual records in the public social insurance system. It is an ambitious project that involves the personified record of the social security contributions calculated and paid by the employer for each employee and with this the basis for the process of correlating the amount of the pension and social security benefits with the amount of the contributions calculated and paid by the employer. Starting with January 1, 2002, the National Office of Social Insurance started the implementation of the new accounting system, elaborated on the basis of International Accounting Standards.


    Starting with November 1, 2002, the National Office of Social Insurance has been assigned a new function of establishing and paying the allowances addressed to families with children. Until this date, this type of benefits has been granted by employee.

    The completion of the State Register of individual records and the assignment of each insured person of the personal social insurance code continue, the documents and forms that ensure the efficient and correct keeping of the individual record are elaborated, as well as started the process for the design of the corresponding information system.

    For the first time, on 1 April 2003, the indexation of pensions was carried out. The indexation coefficient of pensions was 19,3 %.

    In April 2003, the first number of the newspaper of the National Office of Social Insurance "Social Insurance" went out of print.

    It took place the first international conference organized by the National Office of Social Insurance with the topic "Improvement of interstate relations in the field of insurance with pensions and social insurance". The conference was attended by representatives from 17 countries - Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Sweden, Israel, Poland, Germany, CIS country.


    2004: NOSI became a member of the International Social Security Association

    2005: NOSI – part of the World Bank project in the field of management of the public social insurance system

    2006: NOSI – a new structure that ensures the efficient execution of the assigned

      At the official proposal of the General Secretariat of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), at the 28th GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF ISSA in Beijing on September

    12, 2004, the National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova was received in the ranks of ISSA with full rights.

    ISSA was founded in 1927 with its headquarters in Geneva (Switzerland). It currently comprises more than 339 members from over 151 countries. The main objective of ISSA is to cooperate at international level for the promotion and development of world social security, with the propose of improving the economic and social conditions of the population, based on the principle of social fairness. The fundamental mission of ISSA is to accumulate and generalize different conceptions of social protection other the world, to organize international seminars and forums, where programme managers from different countries exchange experience and discuss the problems they face. ISSA is a global hub, in particular, for collecting and distributing information on the development of social security and innovative experience.

    This year, in order to take over good practices in the field of social security management, the collaboration relations with similar organizations from other countries are extended; namely the Polish Social Insurance Institute; Bulgarian Social Insurance Institute; Central State Social Insurance Administration of Lithuania.

    With the Parliament's approval in 1998 of the strategy on reform of the pension insurance system and the determination of the principles of functioning of the public social insurance system, it was realized that the management of such a complex and multilateral system without applying modern information technologies will be impossible.

    Given that neither in the Republic of Moldova or in the neighboring countries there was an integrated information system in the field of social insurance, the implementation of new technologies was possible only through external support, which was provided by the World Bank through the project "Management of Social Protection", launched in 2005. In connection with the reformation of the retirement system of the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family contracted the project "Elaboration and implementation of the informational system Social Protection".

    During the period of elaboration and testing of the informational system in the field of social insurance, considerable efforts were made by the NOSI’s employees, who in parallel maintained the activity in the current processes and participated in the elaboration and implementation of new technologies.

    On March 9, 2006, the Government’s Decision no. 256 approved a new organizational

    structure of NOSI, which ensure the efficient execution of the basic objectives. NOSI tends to provide social insurance services according to the legislation within a modern and automated institution, meant to satisfy the needs of taxpayers and beneficiaries of social benefits, with highly professional staff, who will ensure the provision of quality services, by creating transparent, safe and resistant systems and procedures to frauds and errors.

    In order to speed up the process of entering the data from the statements of the insured persons in the State Register of individual records in the public social insurance system, the mechanism of presenting the declarations electronically was implemented.


    2007: NOSI reorganizes the activity according to the front and back office principle

    2008: NOSI implemented a high-performance information system for the efficient administration of the public social insurance system

    2009: NOSI implemented the ACCES CPAS informational system

     In 2007, began the reorganization of the activity of the Territorial Offices of Social Insurance (TOSI) according to the principle of front and back office. The first reorganized territorial office was TOSI Edineț. The principle of front and back office activity allows the qualitative service of citizens, dividing the process of interaction with citizens from the process of document processing, thus excluding the risk of fraud and corruption.

    On February 7, the 6th edition of the "Made in Moldova" National Exhibition was inaugurated, in which the National Office of Social Insurance participated for the first time. During the exhibition, NOSI’s specialists presented the services provided by the institution and familiarized the citizens with the rights and obligations towards the public social insurance system.

    This year, NOSI signs three inter-institutional collaboration agreements with homologues institutions from Poland, Lithuania and the Russian Federation.

    The 2008 year is a decisive year in the implementation of the "Social Protection" Information System. The information system includes in a single database the information, which was previously processed in about 20 separate modules and allowed the establishment of a network, which offers the possibility of simultaneous work on data entry and processing of more than 1300 specialists, located in all the districts of the republic. The possibility of operative provision of information to the institutions with which the NOSI collaborates to organize the payment of social rights to beneficiaries, the evidence of the accumulation of income to the state social insurance budget was also foreseen. A new version of the official web page of NOSI has been created, through which citizens are informed with reference to the news in the field of social insurance.

    National Office of Social Insurance signs inter-institutional collaboration agreements with the homologue institutions from the Kyrgyz Republic and Estonia. The first agreement in the field of social insurance is signed by the Republic of Moldova, which aims to ensure a framework of social security guarantees for migrant workers from the Republic of Moldova. The agreement was signed 

    The ACCES CPAS Information System was implemented within the USAID/BIZTAR projects. It is an important achievement that precedes the implementation process of the State Registry of Individual Records.

    Each insured person has been assigned with a unique access password in the ACCES CPAS Informational System, which allows viewing the data from the personal social insurance account (employment compensation fund, calculated and paid social insurance contributions). In  order  to  increase  the  importance  of  declaring  and  paying  social  insurance contributions, this year the process of granting the right to social benefits based on the data

    from the State Register of Individual Records has started.

    On February 11, 2009, the Agreement in the field of social insurance was signed between the Republic of Moldova and the Portuguese Republic and the Agreement in the field of social insurance between Moldova and Republic of Bulgaria entered into force.


    2010: NOSI obtains the certificate of good practices for the implementation of "Financial management and control"

    2011: NOSI implements the electronic reporting system "e-Reporting"

    2012: NOSI implemented the electronic service of online access to the account of the payer of state social insurance contributions

    In March 2010, within the Regional Forum for Europe in the field of social protection, organized by the International Social Security Association, NOSI obtained the Certificate for good practices in the field of social security for the implementation of "Financial Management and Control". The main objective of the system consists in promoting a high managerial responsibility in the management and use of the means of the state social insurance budget.

    With the support of USAID/BIZTAR and in partnership with the State Registration Chamber, NOSI has been simplified the procedure for registering economic agents as payers of social insurance contributions with the implementation of the automated inter-institutional data exchange.

    NOSI signed the Collaboration Protocol with the Bulgarian Social Insurance Institute.

    The electronic reporting system "e-Reporting" is implemented, which allowed economic agents to submit annual and quarterly reports in the field of social protection in electronic format.

    The Collaboration Protocol with the State Fund for Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Administrative Center of Social Insurance of the Republic of Lithuania is signed.

    Was regulated the method of awarding spa treatment tickets to veterans and insured persons

    Has been implemented the electronic service of online access to the account of the payer of state social insurance contributions. Through the given service, the contributors have the opportunity to view online the information about the social insurance contributions declared and paid, as well as about the outstanding amounts and the calculated late increases.

    Internal Public Financial Control is implemented, which ensures the management of NOSI activity according to the principles of good governance. In this context and for the purpose of medium-term planning of the activity and the clear establishment of objectives, NOSI approves the Strategic Development Program for the year 2012-2014 and describes the basic processes to make the provision of services more efficient.

    According to the Strategic Program for Technological Modernization of Government (e-Transformation), the electronic services provided by NOSI have been integrated on the government’s portal www.servicii.gov.md.


    2013: CNOSI launches the electronic reporting service e-NOSI

    2014: NOSI inaugurated a museum of the institution

    2015: Continuous actions to ensure the social protection of the diaspora

    The e-NOSI electronic reporting service was launched, through which employers submit quarterly in electronic format the REV-5 declarations for their employees and the declarations regarding the calculation and use of mandatory state social insurance contributions. The implemented service allowed the elimination of trips to territorial structures, the automatic identification of errors admitted in declarations and the exclusion of the need to print documents on paper.

    In collaboration with USAID/BIZTAR, the electronic service for checking the Personal Social Insurance Code on the NOSI’s web page by entering the personal identification number (IDNP) is being implemented.

    NOSI, for organizing the internal audit activity as a management tool for good governance, obtained the Certificate of Merit "ISSA Good Practice Awards Europe Competition 2013".

    The National Office of Social Insurance inaugurated the museum of the institution. With the help of specialists, lots of documents and rare things from the history of the institution's operation were collected and transferred to the museum collection.

    Starting from January 1, NOSI took over the function of establishing and paying the maternity allowance, which until this date was granted by employers.

    In October, the Agreement in the field of social protection between the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Lithuania is signed.

    NOSI obtained the Certificate of Excellence for internal audit activity conferred by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova.

    On October 13, 2015, in partnership with the National Institute for Social Security of the Italian Republic and the ACLI Patronage (Christian Association of Italian Workers), was inaugurated the "Italian Pension in Moldova" information desk.

    NOSI participated in the first meeting of the competent institutions for the application of the Agreements in the field of social security signed with Hungary and the Republic of Lithuania.

    Special attention was paid to the development of the governmental portal www.servicii.gov.md , the List of services provided by NOSI being updated, the forms drawn up were also updated and were published on the portal 56 public services provided by the institution.


    2016: NOSI implemented the electronic service "e-Application. Allowances for families with children"

    2017: NOSI implemented the reform of the public pension system

    2018: NOSI continued the implementation of the pension system reform and the filling of social security accounts

      NOSI digitized the first service provided. As part of the reengineering of the "Indemnities addressed to families with children" service, the e-Application. Allowances for families with children", which excludes the physical presence of the applicant at the territorial subdivision and the presentation of supporting documents.

    The "Trust Phone" service is implemented for an effective collaboration with citizens and direct source information about possible acts of corruption in the social insurance system.

    A new version of the official website of the NOSI, adapted for the mobile phone, has been launched.

    In November 2016, NOSI launched the process of establishing and paying paternity allowances.

    Starting from January 1, 2017, NOSI took over the process of establishing and paying pensions for the employees of the force structures who perform the service by contract, of the people in the command body and the personnel of the troops of the internal affairs bodies and penitentiary institutions, of the collaborators of the state security and the National Anticorruption Center.

    The reform of the public pension system was implemented, which started with the realization of two stages of valorization of the pensions established in the period 2001-2011 for 151 thousand beneficiaries.

    The "e-Application" service. Allowances for families with children" was completed with the submission of the electronic application for the request for paternal allowance.

    In order to increase citizens' information services, the process of issuing certificates and extracts from the personal social insurance account was automated.

    The Agreement in the field of social security with the Republic of Turkey and the Administrative Agreement of the liaison bodies for the insurance of work accidents and occupational diseases for the application of the Agreement on social security with the Federal Republic of Germany were signed.

    Starting from January 1, 2018, the declaration of social security contributions is carried out by reporting to the State Fiscal Service the unified reporting on the withholding of income tax, compulsory health insurance contributions and compulsory state social insurance contributions (IPC18 ). The unified report IPC18 excluded duplication of data and reduced the volume of information reported in the declarations of insured persons (REV5) and the declaration on the calculation and use of mandatory state social insurance contributions (F- 4BASS).

    In the context of the implementation of the reform of the pension system, NOSI realized the valuation of the pensions established in the period 2012 - 31.03.2017 for 149 thousand beneficiaries.

    By December 1, 2018, the one-time financial support of 600 lei was granted to 544.3 thousand beneficiaries of state pensions and social allowances. In order to complete the personal social  insurance  accounts  with  the  information  regarding  the  activity  carried  out  until

    01.01.1999, NOSI carried out the process of scanning the labour record for about 278 thousand people. At the same time, the electronic archiving of reports on the calculation and use of mandatory state social insurance contributions (F-4BASS) for the years 1991-1998 was carried out in order to facilitate the issuance of certificates on the calculation and declaration of insurance contributions from the information system state social services.


    2019: NOSI took over new processes for establishing and paying social benefits

    2020: NOSI consolidated the organizational structure

    2021: NOSI implemented new electronic services

      NOSI took over the process of establishing the allowances addressed to families with children, maternity allowances and paternal allowances for beneficiaries within the force institutions and the process of calculating the amount and payment of unemployment benefits.

    Starting from January 1, 2019, NOSI increased by 10% the amount of the pension for the beneficiaries who in the first semester of 2018 benefited from a pension below the subsistence level.

    Starting from 01.07.2019, the establishment, calculation and payment of allowances for temporary incapacity for work granted from the account of the state social insurance budget are carried out by NOSI on the basis of medical certificates, transmitted through secure intersystem connections by healthcare providers.

    Previously, allowances for temporary work incapacity were set by employers. In order to verify the stages of granting the allowance for temporary incapacity for work was implemented the electronic service "Status of the medical leave certificate".

    In the context of the implementation of the reform of the pension system, NOSI carried out the re-examination of the pensions established before January 1, 1999 for the beneficiaries who worked after the date of establishment of the pension for at least 15 years.

    Between May 27-29, 2019, the National Office of Social Insurance organized the Open Doors Day for the first time. The main message sent to young people is that the future pension or other social payments will be calculated only from the official salary, that each insured person has a social insurance account, which can be checked on the institution's official website www.cnas.gov.md. Around 1000 pupils and students participated in the event.

    A Call Center was established, which aims to provide answers to questions related to the establishment, calculation and payment of social benefits.

    On October 23, 2019, was signed the Agreement in the field of social security between Republic of Moldova and Republic of Belarus.

    In order to provide services to citizens at the highest level by optimizing activity processes both at the central and territorial level, and implementing electronic services, on July 1, 2020, the organizational structure of NOSI was consolidated.

    In the context of the implementation of the reform of the pension system, NOSI carried out the re-examination of the pensions established before January 1, 1999 for the beneficiaries who worked after the date of establishment of the pension for less than 15 years and the pensions established starting with January 1, 1999 for the beneficiaries who worked after the date of establishment of the pension for less 10 years.

    Starting from January 1, 2020, NOSI started granting the right to allowances in the event of the death of one of the spouses and recalculated state social allowances for people with severe disabilities up to the age of 23.

    During the state of emergency, under conditions of maximum intensity, NOSI ensured the establishment and payment of unemployment benefit and single unemployment benefit during the state of emergency for 30,555 beneficiaries.

    In partnership with the USAID Structural Reforms Program in Moldova, NOSI launched a renewed version of the online access system for personal social insurance accounts ACCES CPAS. Among the improvements made in the new version of the system, we can mention: simplified access to the system for electronic signature holders through the MPass service, email notification of employees about the status of allowances and other social benefits, employers' access to the employee's work history, including the place of work, the positions held and the period.


    On December 29, 2020, the NOSI became one of the winners of the Excellence Awards awarded by the Electronic Government Agency on the occasion of the anniversary of the first decade since the foundation of the institution and the marking of 10 years of      e- Government in the Republic of Moldova.

    Starting from January 1, 2021, the electronic service "e-Application”. Reexamination of the pension, which allows the electronically submission of the request for the reexamination of the old age pension, through the official web page of the National Office of Social Insurance www.cnas.gov.md, or through the government portal of public services www.servicii.gov.md. The "Online Scheduling" electronic service was implemented, through which the beneficiaries of all social benefits can schedule online their visit to the territorial social insurance office.

    In the context of the implementation of the reform of the pension system, NOSI carried out the re-examination of the pensions established starting with January 1, 1999 for the beneficiaries who worked after the date of establishment of the pension for at least 7 years.

    Starting from January 1, NOSI reformed the system of payment of social benefits to beneficiaries by implementing the Government e-payment Gateway (MPay), which ensured the freedom and convenience of the beneficiary to choose, at any stage of life, the payment service provider and the method of payment by any legal payment instrument available and in any location in the country through the given service.

    The online services provided by NOSI are constantly growing.


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