General directorate of payment management and taxpayers
Name, first name
Coliban Ala
Isac Silvia
Head of General directorate
Deputy head of General directorate
The main functions of the General directorate are:
1) the process management in the field of registering and recordkeeping of taxpayers and compulsory state social insurance contributions;
2) the systematization of the information and drafting on reports regarding the calculated compulsory state social insurance contributions stated and transferred by the taxpayers;
3) the elaboration of proposals to amend the normative acts on the area of activity, as well as the advising of draft regulatory acts bearing on the activity of the general directorate;
4) the collaboration with public administration authorities, as well as with legal entities and individuals within the competence of the general directorate;
5) the providing of the methodological and consultative support for the territorial offices of social insurance within the competence of the general directorate;
6) the contribution to the development of the informational system „Social Protection” features related to the field of activity of the general directorate.