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Other social benefits
Indemnities - Maternity allowance for insured women and wives supported by insured spouses
- Indemnities for families with children
- Paternal indemnity
- Indemnity for temporary work incapacity
- Lifetime indemnity for performance athletes
- Unique death indemnity for beneficiaries of the power institutions
- Unemployment Benefit
Aids - Social aid
- State financial support
- Unique material aid to children who have lost their breadwinner participating in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
- Death aid
- One-off material aid to children who have lost their breadwinner participating in the liquidation of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
- Death aid granted to beneficiaries of power institutions
- Unique material aid
- Annual material aid
Alocaţii - Nominal monthly state allowance for persons of outstanding merit to the state
- Monthly state allowances
- State social allowances
- Monthly allowance for outstanding merit to the state
- Monthly state allowance for supplementary social protection of certain pensioners and categories of population
- Monthly allowance for the care, support and supervision of persons with severe disabilities confined to bed who have suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
- Vocational integration or reintegration allowance
Prestaţii în cazul accidentului de muncă sau bolii profesionale Bilete de tratament - Sanatorium treatment tickets for persons with war disabilities
- Sanatorium treatment tickets for war veterans
- Sanatorium treatment tickets for veterans of labour
- Bilete de tratament sanatorial pentru veteranii serviciului militar, veteranii organelor afacerilor interne, ai Centrului Naţional Anticorupţie, ai organelor securităţii statului şi ai sistemului administraţiei penitenciare
- Sanatorium treatment tickets for other categories of persons
- Balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets for insured persons
- Sanatorium treatment tickets for persons who suffered from the Chernobyl accident
- Certificate of receipt/non-receipt of balneo-sanatorium treatment tickets through the Territorial Office of Social Insurance
Compensaţii - Monthly monetary compensation in exchange for the provision of food and food supplements to persons participating in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and nuclear experiments, ionizing radiation damage and their consequences at civilian or military atomic targets
- Compensation for persons with war disabilities instead of free sanatorium treatment tickets
- Monetary compensation for persons who suffered from the Chernobyl accident
- One-off compensation for damage to the health of persons with disabilities among those involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and nuclear experiments, ionising radiation damage and its consequences at civil or military atomic targets
- One-off compensation to families who lost their breadwinner in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
- Payment of additional leave for certain categories of persons who suffered from the Chernobyl accident
- Energy compensation in the form of a monetary payment